This article will cover what Student Residential Weekends are, how to apply for a place and some FAQs.
What are Student Advocacy Weekends?
The Inn generally runs three Student Advocacy Weekends a year on niche aspects of the law. These weekends are typically held residentially at venues across the UK, with locations accessible to both London and Circuit Students.
How to apply
There is a ballot for Student Residential Weekend places, which goes out in October of each year. This will be sent by email to all students currently studying the Bar Course.
Please complete the form when you receive it and wait to be contacted with an allocation. Participating in the ballot is not a guarantee of a place at a residential weekend.
Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and you will have the opportunity to indicate your preference of date/subject.
Does the Inn provide transport to the weekend?
Only to Cumberland Lodge. In this case, there is a coach provided that leaves from the Inn at a set time on the Friday of the weekend. For weekends help at Crewe Hall, students are expected to make their own way. However, the Inn does provide compensation for travel costs after students have attended a weekend. Further details will be provided once bookings are made.
Can you add me to the waiting list?
Please contact [email protected] with requests to be added to the waiting list for the Residential Weekends. Please note that we cannot guarantee every student a place on these weekends and places may only become available if other students cancel.
Do we have to share rooms?
Those attending the December weekend held at Cumberland lodge may have to share a room with one of their peers. This is not the case at Crewe Hall.
Where possible, rooming preferences will be taken in to account. If you are attending the weekend with friends or if you have additional need, you will be given the opportunity to let us know.
How much do they cost to attend?
The cost of a residential weekend this year is £65. Bursaries are available to help with the cost of these weekends and these will be advertised as and when you are allocated a place.