
A bit of information about capturing memories on Call Night. 


Professional Call Photography

Ede & Ravenscroft provide professional photography for Inner Temple on Call night. This will enable you to get graduation style photography in a barrister wig and gown with your friends and family and/or as an individual. 

The pricing for this is set by Ede & Ravenscroft. You will receive a link to pre-book your photo packs in your Call confirmation email. There are no assigned time slots for photography on the day and spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Photography will be available both before and after the Call ceremony on the day. 

Internal filming and photography during Call Night

During some, but not all, ceremonies the Inn's in-house photography will be taking photos of the general atmosphere of the Call Night. We also occasionally livestream the ceremony. 

If this is the case for the ceremony you are attending, the livestream link will be provided to you before the day so that you can share this with family and friends who cannot attend in person. You also may be able to re-watch the ceremony afterwards. If internal photos are taken on the night, we also try to share this with you after the ceremony. Please note, this takes time and the Education Engagement Co-ordinator will share this with you as soon as it is possible. 

If you or any of your guests would not like to be captured in these images please email call@innertemple.org.uk. We will do our best to avoid capturing you in these images and/or publishing them publicly. 

Guest filming and photography during Call Night

Guests are more than welcome to film and take photos during the ceremony and reception. We just ask that they are respectful of others and avoid obstructing anyone else's view. 

As this will be captured on individual devices, the Inn cannot guarantee that you will not be captured in these images, if you have expressed the Education Engagement Co-ordinator that you would not like to be photographed so please keep this in mind.